When California residents think about workplace injuries they may instantly conjure images of construction workers falling from scaffolding, factory workers being crushed by machinery or drivers being hurt in car accidents. While these instances are certainly real and common, they are not, by any stretch of the imagination, the only instances in which an individual can suffer a workplace injury.
In fact, many California residents are injured on the job while performing what may seem like menial tasks. For example, someone who sits at his desk all day typing on a computer may find himself suffering from repetitive stress injury in the form of tendonitis. This condition, where tendons become inflamed, can be easily treated, but severe cases may lead to a loss of function in the hands and other joints. Common symptoms of tendonitis include tingling, numbness, weakness, swelling and heat and cold sensitivity.
Repetitive stress injuries are not limited to the office, though. Construction workers who are commonly exposed to vibration can also suffer repetitive stress injuries that can affect their ability to function and properly perform their job. Again, these workers may be subjected to severe tendonitis or even carpal tunnel syndrome. When these medical conditions leave individuals unable to work, they may find themselves concerned about how to make ends meet.
Fortunately, the workers’ compensation system may provide relief. If an injured worker can show that his job duties either caused his injuries or exacerbated his existing medical condition, then he may be awarded money to help cover any lost wages and medical expenses incurred while he recovers. This process can be challenging, though, as many initial claims are denied. Because of this, injured workers need to ensure that their claims are strong, supported by medical evidence and persuasively presented for adjudication.
Source: The Cleveland Clinic, “Repetitive Stress Injury,” Mark Hendrickson, M.D., accessed on Feb. 5, 2017