The coronavirus pandemic changed how workplaces function. However, some universal truths have not changed and will not change. Workers' compensation benefits help workers after a workplace accident or illness. Those benefits extend to those called on to meet the...
Firm News
What happens if your COVID-19 workers’ compensation claim is denied?
We’ve talked a great deal in recent weeks about the circumstances facing workers infected with COVID-19. We’ve looked at some good news in the form of legislative and executive actions. This week we look at a possible concern. Last week we noted that legislative...
Legislative changes to California’s COVID-19 response
In our ongoing series on workers’ compensation and the coronavirus, we’ve looked at the first steps California took and an interesting question that step raised. Today we’ll look at the most recent legislative efforts. When California acted in May to make things...
Does workers’ compensation cover infectious disease?
The last year has brought up questions about how we go about our daily lives. One question of specific new relevance is understanding when an illness from work is appropriate for workers' compensation. As we discussed last week, California implemented a "presumption...
California’s response to the coronavirus: the “COVID-19 presumption”
A year ago, filing for workers' compensation for a virus going around the office might have seemed odd. It's not so odd anymore, as many have relied on workers' compensation benefits after a COVID-19 infection. As we discussed last week, the coronavirus left many...
Reviewing California’s COVID-19 workers’ compensation response
Workers’ compensation provides vital benefits to workers injured at work. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has added a new dimension to the considerations of workers and their safety. Over the next few weeks, we will cover the coronavirus pandemic’s wide-ranging effect...