Many workers who find themselves injured in a workplace accident often end up going to the hospital to get treatment for their injuries. And, this often requires an extended hospital stay. A hospital stay means medical bills and when one is taking time off from work, more bills is the last thing needed. This is where workers’ compensation plays an important role, as it ensures workers are compensated for the injuries they have suffered and the treatment they receive.
California workers’ compensation inpatient stays fell 31.2 percent between 2008 and 2016, according to the California Workers’ Compensation Institute. When compared to other payer systems, workers’ comp outpaced programs, such as MediCare and MediCal. In fact, these last two programs saw increases in hospital stays, whereas private plan inpatient stays also fell almost 20 percent.
Workers’ compensation inpatient stays were the smallest of the systems reviewed, accounting for 0.5 percent of all hospitalizations, down from 0.7 percent in 2008. The study also looked at reasons for the decline in stays, such as a decrease in the number of claims, the provision of advanced medical technological services in outpatient settings and an increase in the use of ambulatory surgical centers.
It also theorized that review programs require treatment meets evidence-based medicine standards, which could be a worrying trend as injured workers who need a treatment may not be able to provide necessary medical documentation demonstrating that need. What does this mean for injured workers in the state?
That they should not hesitate from filing a workers’ compensation claim as it covers much more than medical treatment. Secondly, they should also consider consulting an experienced attorney to ensure their claim does not get dismissed without a thorough review.