When a person gets injured as a result of a car accident, the pain and suffering that they may be afflicted with tends to vary by the individual and severity of the accident. Insurance company adjusters use a multiplier method to account for this. It allows them to estimate the amount of compensation that a person is eligible for based on various components, including pain and suffering.
There many factors that insurance adjusters look at when estimating damages. Some of the primary ones include clear proof of the other driver’s fault in causing the accident and how badly a motorist was hurt. Adjusters also look to see documentable proof of injuries and associated pain and suffering and how long the recovery time will be.
Most insurance companies have as a goal to pay as little as possible on claims. An adjuster is likely to examine any high multiplier claims more closely than others. Thus, if you are unable to justify your numbers with supporting documents and facts, then your claim will likely be denied.
The amount of documentation that you may need to produce to satisfy an insurance review may vary depending on the claim’s amount. Medical records and doctors’ notes may suffice for smaller claims. However, in more complex and expensive cases, witnesses may have to be called in to shed light on the severity of an individual’s condition. A plaintiff and their attorneys may have to perform a thorough crash scene investigation and present the findings at trial.
While many people are lucky enough to walk away from a car crash unscathed or with relatively minor injuries, others suffer permanent impairments. You owe it to yourself to hold the person who crashed into you accountable to the fullest extent that California law allows. The pain and suffering you feel may be just the beginning of your journey.
Insurance companies work hard to maintain their bottom line. An attorney can help you negotiate a fair settlement in your San Mateo case on your behalf.