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Airline and airport workers face health risks

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2023 | workers' compensation

There are multiple dangers that California airline workers face. These dangers include slips and falls, injuries due to lifting heavy objects, exposure to contagious illnesses and heatstroke.

The friendly skies are not always so friendly

It takes thousands of workers to run an airport successfully. With so many moving parts, injuries are inevitable. The injuries airport and airline workers face range from minor to life-threatening. Flight attendants have many tasks, some requiring moderate to heavy lifting. In addition to putting luggage in the overhead bin, they can be injured during heavy turbulence.

Slip-and-fall accidents are the common denominator for all airline personnel in and outside the airport. Running to catch a flight, slipping on a wet floor, and tripping on escalators or moving walkways are just a few ways airline workers fall.

The transfer of infectious diseases is also probable. The interior of an airplane is a contained space. Although air is circulated through an overhead vent, airline crew and passengers are close to one another. Without a mask, it’s possible that illnesses can spread from one to another. A contracted disease may even require a long work absence and workers’ compensation.

Getting grounded

Ground crews are subject to strains and sprains because of the heavy lifting they often do. Repeatedly using the same muscles can lead to musculoskeletal injuries.

There is a reason summer is peak season. The warm weather attracts tourists to tropical and exotic places. However, prolonged exposure to hot temperatures can cause heat stroke and dehydration for those working on the airport grounds. It is a very serious situation and can lead to a loss of work. Still more work-related hazards confront ground crews. The decibel levels of airplane engines can cause hearing loss. And, the toxic fumes emitting from the aircraft’s exhaust system can pose lung-related illnesses.


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