Construction work may seem inherently dangerous, but the truth of the matter is that, so long as employers follow the regulations put in place to ensure worker safety, then workplace accidents should be relatively rare. Regardless of whether regulations are followed, a workplace accident can leave a worker in a tough position with not only physical pain that can result in limitations, but also financial losses in the form of lost wages and medical expenses. These individuals may be able to recover compensation for their losses, though, so long as they can show that they qualify for workers’ compensation benefits.
Many Californians are in this position now after a construction accident left them injured. According to reports, 13 construction workers were harmed when the scaffolding on which they were working collapsed. The workers fell to the floor below them, which was a drop of more than 10 feet. The exact cause of the incident is unknown at this time, and Cal/OSHA is investigating. The injured workers were taken to the hospital and treated for injuries ranging from bruises to back sprains.
Although these workers landed in wet cement, which may have broken their fall, others are not so lucky. Some work accident victims suffer from broken bones, severe lacerations, and even brain and spine injuries. The severity of one’s injuries will likely dictate the amount of damages they may be able to recover, thereby fluctuating how much he or she should expect from a workers’ compensation claim.
However, the sad reality is that many workers’ compensation claims are denied for a variety of reasons. Therefore, those who want to ensure that their initial claim is as strong as possible, as well as those who are appealing a claim denied, should consider speaking with a legal professional of their choosing to develop a sound legal strategy moving forward.
Source: The Los Angeles Times, “13 workers injured when floor collapses beneath them at Oakland construction site,” Joseph Serna, May 26, 2017