Protecting Individuals.
Prioritizing Recovery.

Learn about your legal options after a workplace injury

On Behalf of | Jan 12, 2018 | workplace injuries

Even though most California residents spend more time at work than they do at home, they rarely consider the fact that they might get injured in the workplace. Whether working in an office or at a construction site, hazards of various types exist in the workplace and it is an employer’s duty to ensure their workplace is either free from risks or that employees are aware of those dangers and how to avoid them.

Many injured workers hesitate before filing a workers’ compensation claim. Some don’t file because they don’t know about their options. Others resist filing because they think asserting their rights will just cause them trouble at work. The truth is that recovering from a workplace injury costs money and time. Filing a workers’ compensation claim is an injured workers’ right and it is important to file it in a timely manner, otherwise the right might expire.

The lawyers at the Law Offices of Vincent J. Scotto, III work diligently and meticulously towards maximizing the financial recovery available to injured workers. This could mean both pursuing a workers’ compensation claim against an employer and filing a personal injury claim against a colleague who contributed to the workplace injury. Since the fields overlap, we can handle all related claims so our clients do not have to go from one place to another.

We also understand that recovery often takes a long time, and simply returning to work does not mean one has recovered sufficiently. We analyze all possible options to ensure our clients get the compensation they are entitled to. For more on this topic, visit our workplace injuries page.


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